Benefits of Remote Simultaneous Interpretation (RSI)

May 13, 2021

The world is starting to resemble a global village as people from all walks of life convene for a common cause… the only roadblock to effective communication being language.

A priority when running a live multilingual conference is to get your messages across to as many attendees as possible. This wouldn’t be a problem if everyone spoke the same language. However, since your international audience may not all speak the same language, communication can be a challenge.

This is why Remote Simultaneous Interpretation (RSI) services are useful. You can maintain the accuracy of your company’s message while your audience receives the simultaneous translation in real-time. It’s highly reliable, effortless, and very cost-effective. In this blog, we will walk you through three key benefits of RSI services and why you should use them.

Benefit #1: RSI Retains the Core Message of Your Company

If your client base speaks your target language, then you probably don’t need to worry about language interpretation too much. Let’s suppose, however, that your attendees speak different languages and have trouble understanding your language. In that case, you’ll have to find a way to communicate with them without compromising the accuracy of your message.

It may seem like an insurmountable task on a budget, but Remote Simultaneous Interpretation (RSI) makes it easy and affordable for international attendees at a conference or event to listen to translated speech in real-time. In the case of live, in-person events, this service also lets you share content to smartphones, tablets, and laptops.

Every attendee at your event will have the luxury of listening to your message in a format that’s easy to understand. Moreover, RSI facilitates the sharing of content in a way that is accurate and makes everyone feel included, regardless of the languages they speak.

Benefit #2: Interpreters Work Remotely

One of the biggest problems in the interpreting community is the logistical challenge of traveling around the world for interpreting assignments. It’s not always a feasible solution for interpreters and it gets expensive for clients.

Remote Simultaneous Interpretation (RSI) solves this problem because interpreters no longer need to travel to the site of the event, which means this is a more sustainable and cost-effective option for the client. Because interpreters don’t need to travel and there is no dedicated equipment, the carbon footprint of an event is reduced significantly.

Benefit #3: Companies Won’t Have Extra Expenditures

Interpreters who are flown in from another location will have several costs associated with their travels. This includes the price for their flights and staying at a hotel. You’ll also need to rent transmitters, receivers, headsets, AV equipment, and interpreter sound booths. These costs start to add up.

With Remote Simultaneous Interpretation (RSI), interpreters work remotely from the comforts of their home offices. Participants at your event use our free app on their smartphone or tablet to listen to everything in their native languages in real-time. The simultaneous interpretation is streamed live with no delay or drop in quality. Your attendees will hear everything as if the interpreters were in the same room.

This also allows companies to present their event to multilingual audiences by hiring several interpreters in several languages, which opens them up to a broader audience.

It’s a win-win for everyone.

Wrapping Up

Companies that are interested in RSI services can obtain an estimate simply by providing the following details:

In short, RSI allows your business to truly scale up at a global level. You get the benefit of greater attendee engagement, greater efficiency, and lower costs.

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