
December 7, 2022
Ever wondered about different Christmas traditions around the world? Read on to learn about some interesting things people do in other countries to celebrate the season of giving! The post Top 10 Most Interesting Christmas Traditions from Around the World appeared first on intransol.
May 13, 2021
The world is starting to resemble a global village as people from all walks of life convene for a common cause… the only roadblock to effective communication being language. A priority when running a live multilingual conference is to get your messages across to as many attendees as possible. This wouldn’t be a problem if... The post Benefits of Remote Simultaneous Interpretation (RSI) appeared first on intransol.
March 16, 2021
Your company, like so many others, may be trying to reach out to new multicultural customers in global markets to increase sales and grow your business. Of course, reaching out is one thing. Connecting is another. It may be an easy thing to overlook, but translating your company and product literature into other languages may... The post Don’t Get Lost in Translation appeared first on intransol.
ìntränsōl  foreign language voice talent
May 20, 2020
While the COVID-19 pandemic has put a huge strain on people and businesses everywhere, and social-distancing is our new reality for at least until we all get our COVID vaccines, our native-speaking and accredited translators and interpreters are still able to work virtually as remote translators and remote simultaneous interpreters.  We can provide you with... The post Translation and Interpreting Services During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Crisis appeared first on intransol.
Image of the word translation that represents ìntränsōl translation services.
April 14, 2020
Often times companies take the single most important question for granted: into which language(s) do we need to translate? Perhaps the answer is not as obvious as one may think, and it influences many aspects of each project. Some people may not realize that some languages differ in use from one country to another. For... The post Getting Ready for Translation appeared first on intransol.
ìntränsōl  rsi app
April 9, 2020
If you are like many people who still need to communicate with your non English-speaking colleagues, employees or clients during this time of physical distancing and sheltering-in-place, then you just may benefit from using Remote Simultaneous Interpreting (RSI) technology. RSI is an effortless, convenient, real-time language interpretation solution tailored to your specific needs. When you... The post Multilingual Communication in Times of Quarantine: Remote Simultaneous Interpretation (RSI) appeared first on intransol.
February 19, 2020
Having a web presence in today’s global economy is vital to growing a solid customer base. But how easy is it for people of other languages who want to buy your products or services to find you? We all know that developing keywords for your English language site and having a solid Search Engine Optimization... The post Found in Translation: Multilingual SEO appeared first on intransol.
May 5, 2018
We’ve all heard the buzzwords and felt the excitement when people begin talking of “going global”, but what does all of this really mean? What are the issues facing the documentation manager or international marketing manager who is handed the task of localizing content, software and supporting documentation? For anyone who is trying to sell... The post Demystifying Localization appeared first on intransol.
ìntränsōl globe
August 5, 2016
Did you know… The language called “Silbo Gomera” (Gomeran Whistle) spoken on one of the Canary Islands, “La Gomera”, which is located off the coast of Morocco, consists entirely of whistles. It is structured in such a way that the islanders are able to mimic the spoken language of the region – Castilian Spanish –... The post Fun Language Tidbits appeared first on intransol.
ìntränsōl writing for translation
February 20, 2016
When writing content that’s intended to be translated and localized into different languages now or even at some point down the road, it’s always a good idea to think translation – that is, to think in terms of how easy it will be to express the same ideas and concepts in different languages and how... The post Writing for Translation appeared first on intransol.
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  • 1. What should I look for when choosing a translation provider?

    When you select a translation company, you are choosing a strategic partner whose work will represent your company in the global marketplace, whether abroad or domestically. You need a trusted, reliable, and committed translation partner that:

    - Employs only the most experienced linguists in the industry

    - Has a proven track record of success

    - Adheres to extremely high standards of quality

    - Understand your corporate culture 

    - Becomes fully invested and committed to your global objectives

    - Has specific experience in your industry (ask for references!)

    - Incorporates highly organized file management and archival system

    - Develops style guides and glossaries specific to your content

    - Can leverage previously translated materials

    - Utilizes translation memory technology for efficiency and cost savings

    - Provides full-service language management solutions

    - Gives you the support and service you need at fair prices

  • 2. How do I know that ìntränsōl translators are qualified?

    We take our work extremely seriously and go to great lengths to provide all of our customers with translations they can trust anywhere, anytime, and in any language. We carefully screen, test, and evaluate all of our translators and proofreaders for the following:

    • Certification and/or accreditation by professional translation organizations worldwide
    • Native speakers of the target language having lived in their countries of origin into adulthood
    • Excellent writing skills so that their translations read as if originally authored in the target languages
    • Minimum of five (5) years experience in the translation industry
    • Solid references from other translation companies and/or direct clients
    • Training, education, and/or work experience in their areas of expertise and subject specialization
    • Highly meticulous attention to detail and focus on quality
    • Communicate regularly and raise questions during projects with project managers and other team members
    • Proven track records of timeliness and support throughout entire project life cycles

  • 3. How does ìntränsōl charge for translation?

    We base our translation costs on several factors:

    - The word count of the source language, meaning how many words there are in the pages to be translated. We determine word counts by using the word count feature in applications like M.S. Word or by using special software to determine word counts in other file formats, such as PDFs.

    • The nature and subject matter of the content. Non-technical content is less than content that is highly technical, or that contains complex terms or industry-specific vocabulary.
    • The language. The more common languages are always less than rare languages.
    • Turn-around requirements. Translation projects that are needed quickly on a rush basis cost more than than translation projects that allow our teams plenty of time.
  • 4. Is there a minimum charge for translation?

    Yes, our minimum charge for translation to/from most languages is $75 for a standard turn-around of at least two (2) business days, possibly more. Rush service is also available with an additional rush service charge, depending on your needs. We need to review requests before confirming the price and timing.

    Other minimum charges apply for other services.  Please contact us for details.

  • 5. Does ìntränsōl offer any discounts?

    Discounts are determined on a project-by-project basis and are presented when we provide you with a project estimate or proposal. We do offer the following types of discounts:

    • Individuals with disabilities or special needs
    • Non-profit discounts
    • Volume discounts
    • Multiple language discounts
    • Repetitive text discounts
    • Loyal customer discounts

  • 6. What is ìntränsōl's position on confidentiality?

    All information presented to us for any type of project is treated as strictly confidential. See our Mutual Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality Agreement here. We will also be happy to sign your own standard N.D.A. upon request.

  • 7. What are ìntränsōl's payment terms?

    We offer payment terms for corporate clients and for projects of certain sizes. For all others, we require payment in full at the time of placing an order. Payment terms are outlined in our Terms and Conditions.

  • 8. How can I make a payment?

    We accept company checks, VISA, MasterCard, Discover, AMEX, PayPal, Venmo, or bank transfers (A.C.H.). Clients with approved credit terms can make secure online payments by credit cards or A.C.H. or can also mail a company check or after receiving an invoice for each project.

  • 9. How long does translation take?

    As a rule of thumb, you should allow for approximately:

    1 – 2 days for 1,000 words or less

    3 – 5 days for 1,000 – 5,000 words

    5 – 7 days for 5,000 – 10,000 words

    7 – 10 days for 11,000 – 24,000 words

    10+ days for 25,000 words or more

    Schedules vary depending on project complexity and other factors. We can almost always shave time off when needed for rush projects. If you have a tight deadline, please let us know, as we will do everything we possibly can to meet it. We will also be very honest with you if a deadline is just not doable.

  • 10. Can't we use our overseas distributors for translation?

    An overseas distributor or subsidiary can rarely offer the timely and thorough service of a professional translation company. Their strength is in selling your product, not necessarily in writing or in translation. By using a reputable language service provider, you can rest assured that it will be done right by professional linguists who are experts in translation. You may want to think about using a qualified reviewer at your in-country sales office to review translated content, but it's wise to leave the translation to professionals who work at producing content in different languages 24/7/365.

  • 11. What's the difference between translation, interpretation, and localization?

    Translation (XL): Translation is simply the rewriting of text into a different language while maintaining the meaning of the original. In the industry, the word "translation" usually applies to more traditional forms of written communication.

    Simultaneous and consecutive interpreting: The word interpretation applies to the spoken word. With simultaneous interpreting, the interpreter wears a headset through which s/he hears the speaker and interprets the message simultaneously through a microphone connected to a transmitter to an audience wearing headsets with receivers. With consecutive interpreting, the interpreter listens to what the speaker is saying, and once the speaker finishes speaking short phrases, the interpreter translates the message orally into the target language consecutively.

    Localization (L1ON): The term localization may refer to anything that is translated for use in a local market, including documentation, packaging, advertising, or any material in any medium.


  • Glossary

    Please feel free to reach out to the intransol team to send us any suggestions you may have for this glossary by emailing us at Thanks!

  • Alignment

    The pairing of source language segments with target-language equivalents from the source and target files, i.e., "Trados WinAlign" aligns Word files. The results of an alignment are used for the creation of a translation memory. Alignment is usually a step that must be done when the material has not been translated using a translation tool in the past. Alignment is generally a cost-effective way to reuse existing translations that were translated using traditional mechanisms.

  • Callout

    A way of marking up source documents for translation. A callout is made by marking a portion of text and assigning a specific letter to it. This letter is then used to refer to that block of text. Callouts eliminate confusion between English and translated versions of text.

  • CE Mark

    "C.E." is French for "Conformité Européenne." CE Marking is the main tool employed in harmonizing European product standards. The CE Mark indicates that products have passed certain European Union (E.U.) and European Commission (E.C.) health, safety, and environmental standards. The CE Mark is an important sales factor for any company entering the European market and, in some cases, is a legal requirement in Europe.

  • Certified translation

    A certified translation is a translation that is produced with the highest levels of accuracy and quality to satisfy legal requirements of accuracy. Certified translations of documents are required by the USCIS for immigration purposes as well as by courts and for other official purposes. A certified translation is stamped with a certification seal that states that it is a true and accurate translation of the source language document. It usually also has an attestation from the translator or translation company stating their levels of competencies in both languages and their professional qualifications. Some organizations also require a certified translation to be notarized.

  • Conference interpreting

    The verbal transfer of spoken information from one language to another performed by a simultaneous interpreter ant an conference or event. Usually conference interpreting is done with sophisticated interpretation equipment such as sound booths, consoles, transmitters and receivers, but now conference interpreting can also be done virtually or remotely through the use of sophisticated software and smartphone apps.

  • Consecutive interpreting

    The oral translation of the spoken word from one language to another by an interpreter as the speaker pauses to allow the interpreter to relay the message.

  • Cyrillic

    The character set or "alphabet" used by such languages as Russian, Bulgarian, and Ukrainian.

  • Desktop Publishing (DTP)

    The process of formatting translated content using client-provided files to match the original document and adapting it to foreign typographical and cultural norms. Used interchangeably with "typesetting."

  • Double-byte languages

    Refers to languages whose character sets require two bytes of information to specify each character (like Chinese, Japanese and Korean). This group is often referred to collectively as C.J.K. See also single-byte.

  • Estimate

    A written estimate is prepared for clients before commencing with any work. The estimate will provide a project description, costs, schedule, final deliverables and payment information. To officially begin a project, the estimate must be signed and dated or accepted by written communication.

  • Expansion

    The number of words or space that translated text takes up in comparison to the original English. Most translations expand to 110-125% of the volume of their English counterparts.

  • Fuzzy matching

    A process that statistically analyzes a segment to determine its equivalence to another segment. Similar to leveraging, fuzzy matching finds duplicate material that is "similar."

  • Globalization

    A general term for the preparation of American materials for use in foreign markets. Interchangeable with "internationalization."

  • Globalization tools

    Assist in the process of globalization. These tools include workflow automation, I18N, translation memory and machine translation technologies. Globalization tools are critical to industry because they improve the overall process, improve quality, and decrease cost. For the most part, all companies involved in globalization have realized the need for these types of tools and technologies.

  • Glossary

    A word list (like this one) in at least one but also in multiple languages, usually with definitions. In the translation and localization industry, the terms "glossary" and "lexicon" are used synonymously. Their purpose is to ensure accuracy and consistency in terminology usage – a critical function when producing volumes of technical documentation or a localized interface. There are many powerful glossary-management tools used in the translation and localization industry, and many of the most popular glossaries are available online. (See Internet links).

  • Internationalization

    the act of preparing text, documentation, and other materials for the localization process.

  • Human translator

    Translator who is a native-speaker of one language and fluent in another who translates text and content from a source language to a target language. Expect greater accuracy from human translation (100%) versus machine translation (70%).

  • Idiom

    A colloquial expression like "take a shower" alters the verb "take" from its dictionary meaning. This phrase is an idiomatic use of the verb "take." We used to live in Kansas, but there is no logical meaning to the phrase "used to."

  • Imperial

    The name for the measurements system used in the United States (including miles, feet, inches, pounds, gallons, cups, etc.). In-country – Refers to the country where your internationalized materials will be used.

  • Internationalization

    A general term for the preparation of American materials for use in foreign markets. Interchangeable with "globalization."

  • Interpretation or Interpreting

    The oral transfer of information from one language to another as performed by an interpreter.

  • Interpreter

    A person who is fluent in more than one language and who verbally transfers information from one language to another through the spoken word to people who do not understand the source language.

  • International Accreditation Forum (IAF)

    Formed in the early 1990s to harmonize worldwide accreditation practices; rapidly becoming the forum that could serve as a nongovernmental regulatory arm for international standards.

  • Language pair

    The term used to describe the source language and the target language during the translation, localization, or interpreting process. For example, when something is being translated from English to Dutch, the language paid is English>Dutch (EN> N.L.).

  • Layout proof

    A post-typesetting review done internally by intránsol to ensure a document's integrity. Layout proofs are performed by both a member of the translation team and another intránsol project member.

  • Leveraging

    The recycling of duplicate material from one upgrade to another or from one similar product to another. Leveraging results in significant cost savings by using material from previously translated projects. Most translation tools have leveraging capabilities.

  • Lexicon

    A glossary of terms specific to a certain product or project. Assembling a lexicon provides a reference for translators that ensures all important terms are used consistently within your document(s). Lexicon development is suggested for all large and/or ongoing projects.

  • Localization

    The act of taking a product and tailoring it for use in a local market. Although not exclusive by definition, the term is used in the software industry to describe the translation of a software product, including the graphic user interface (G.U.I.), online help, and documentation, which would be "localized" into the intended target languages. The term can be used for anything that is translated for use in a local market, including print materials, packaging, etc. Consumers will almost invariably select the localized version of a product over a non-localized version.

  • Machine translation (MT)

    A technology that relies on the computer to perform in-depth grammatical, syntax, and some semantic analysis of the source language and then attempts to translate the source language into the target language using extensive glossaries, Natural Language Processing (N.L.P.) and a complex set of linguistic rules. For the most part, machine translation has never been a commercial success. Machine translation is traditionally more expensive to set up, operate, and maintain than other translation tools. In addition, it performs below publication-grade translation.

  • Native fluency

    The level one obtains in a second language when their speaking ability is that of a native-speaker. Many times, when a person is almost fluent in another language, it can be said that they have "near-native fluency."

  • Native literacy

    The level one obtains in a second language when one's reading and writing ability is that of a native speaker. Many times, when a person is almost completely literate in another language, it can be said that they have "near-native literacy."

  • Native-speaker

    A native-speaker is any person who grew up speaking a language and has spoken the language all of his or her life, making it his or her "mother tongue."

  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)

    A subfield of linguistics, computer science, information engineering, and artificial intelligence concerned with the interactions between computers and human (natural) languages, in particular, how to program computers to process and analyze large amounts of natural language data.

  • Non-Roman

    Refers to languages whose "alphabets" use characters other than that used for English and Western European languages (French, German, Spanish, etc.). Non-Roman languages include most Asian, Central & Western European, Russian and Middle Eastern languages.

  • PDF

    The "Portable Document Format," created by Adobe Systems, allows any document to be distributed to any user independent of the software used to create it. A PDF can be viewed by downloading the Acrobat Reader application free from Adobe. PDFs can be useful to users who do not have the ability to work with non-Roman character sets. Process color or four-color – The method used to print full-color photographs and images by combining different amounts of only four basic printers' inks: cyan, magenta, yellow, and black (CMYK).

  • Project analysis

    Like a quotation or estimate, a project analysis estimate provides information on cost, schedule, and final deliverables. Project analyses are prepared when certain major project specifications remain uncertain. An analysis allows us to suggest ways to handle very large projects or projects still in development. The price on an project analysis is not guaranteed. To officially begin a project, a quotation or estimate must be prepared.

  • Proof copy

    The final copy of your translation (typeset if applicable) which we give to you and/or your in-country contact for review.

  • Quotation

    A quotation provides detailed costs, schedule, final deliverables and payment information. The price on a quotation is guaranteed if the project remains in the specifications set therein. To officially begin a project, the quotation must be signed, dated and returned to us.

  • Resolution

    A value denoting the concentration of visual information on a monitor or output device, usually expressed in dots per inch (dpi) or pixels per inch (ppi). The higher the value, the better the image quality. "High resolution" for an output device usually refers to 1200 dpi and higher output. "High resolution" for an electronic photo usually means 300 ppi. The common resolution for monitors is 72 ppi. Common resolutions for laser printers are 300, 600, and 1200 dpi. Common resolutions for imagesetters are 1270, 2540, and 3000 dpi.

  • Screen frequency, screen ruling or line screen

    A value denoting the number of lines per inch (lpi) in a screen used to create a halftone image. The higher the number of lines, the finer the image quality. Common screen frequency for a laser printer is 75-85 lpi. Common screen frequencies for imagesetters are 133 and 150 lpi.

  • Service bureau

    A business which provides image-setting and prepress services (e.g., high resolution film and R.C. paper, Matchprints, color prints, etc.).

  • Simultaneous interpreting

    The conversion of the spoken word from one language to another simultaneously without pauses by the speaker as in consecutive interpreting. Simultaneous interpreting is perhaps one of the most difficult and exhausting tasks in the language business. It requires complete fluency in both the source and target languages, a quick and agile mind, and a powerful command of the vocabulary being used. For this reason, simultaneous interpreters always work in pairs, switching out every 15-20 minutes.

  • Single-byte languages

    Refers to languages whose character sets require only 1 byte of information to specify each character. See also double-byte languages.

  • Source document

    The original (usually English) document(s) that you provide to us for translation.

  • Source language

    The original language of any content or publication that is translated to another language or other languages.

  • Target language

    The language into which something is intended to be translated. "The source language of the manual is English, and the target language is Spanish."

  • Target market

    The group of people who will use your final, internationalized materials. These people are most likely residents of a foreign country or people in North America speaking a language other than English.

  • Total Quality Assurance (TQA) Reviews

    Our detailed internal proofing process includes document preparation, consistency checks, lexicon compliance, translation, proofreading, editing & revision, and layout proof. Translation – The rewriting of text into a different language while maintaining the meaning of the original. In the industry, the word "translation" is sometimes abbreviated XL.

  • Transcreation

    The process of creative translation, usually necessary for advertising or marketing content that contains colloquialisms, puns, plays on words, etc., that will not be captured or conveyed correctly with straight, literal translation. Oftentimes, in the transcreation process, the text actually needs to be completely rewritten with the same general ideas or concepts but expressed in a way that is linguistically and culturally authentic for the target audience.

  • Translation

    The process of adapting or transferring written ideas and messages from one language to another language.

  • Translation memory

    The product of translation memory software that aids the process of translation by analyzing and comparing text for matches and repetition and populates a database of translated terms "on the fly" so that terms are translated consistently. Translation memory software helps human translators accelerate the translation process and is especially useful for high volumes of content that will have many updates and revisions over time. Translation memory software does not actually do the translation, and it requires both the knowledge of the software and the source and target languages to use it. Translation memory can save time and money for clients with large translation needs.

  • Trapping

    The process of compensating for the imprecision of a printing press. Basically, it involves increasing the area of one color where it meets another color, to ensure there will be no white space between them.

  • Typesetting

    The process of formatting a translation using client-provided files to match the original document, and adapt it to foreign typographical and cultural norms. Typesetting originally referred to the placement of metal type and its arrangement to create a printing plate. Used interchangeably with "desktop publishing" (D.T.P.).

  • Unicode

    One large double-byte code which can specify all the characters in the world. It is defined by the Unicode Consortium.

  • Web publishing

    The process of using client-provided HTML files to format a translation to match the originals, and adapting it to foreign typographical and cultural issues. Similar to desktop publishing.

  • Word count

    A tallying of the number of words in a source document. Translation is usually priced based on "per word" rates; for this reason, accurate word counts are essential.

Terms and Conditions

Because our lawyers said we should...


    As used herein and each of the attachments hereto, the following terms shall have the meanings as set forth below: (a) "ìntränsōl" shall mean International Translation Solutions™, a J.K.W. International, Inc. Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the state of Minnesota, United States of America, its officers, directors, managers, employees, agents, representatives, consultants, translators, interpreters, divisions, branches, subsidiaries, foreign offices and other affiliates; (b) "Language Services" or "Language Service(s)" shall mean any translation, localization, interpretation, voice-over, coaching, instruction, training, consulting, desktop publishing, typesetting, prepress production, graphic design, creative direction, video or film subtitling or character generation, multicultural or global marketing or any other language-related service provided by ìntränsōl; (c) "Client" shall mean the party ordering, requesting, receiving, and/or paying for Language Services from ìntränsōl; and (d) "Agreement" shall mean this exhibit and any Estimates, Quotations, Proposals, Change Order Forms, Rate Sheets, or any deliverables attached hereto or submitted by ìntränsōl, each of which is incorporated herein by this reference.


    Unless otherwise stipulated in writing in an ìntränsōl Estimate, Quotation, or Proposal, Client shall deliver to ìntränsōl a deposit equal to Fifty percent (50%) of the estimated or quoted fee prior to commencement of Language Services. The balance of payment shall be made upon completion of the Language Service and before delivery or in accordance with other payment terms specified in any ìntränsōl Estimate, Quotation, or Proposal. If Language Services are performed on an incremental basis, payment shall be due upon completion of each increment for that portion of the total sum as applicable to that increment, as invoiced by ìntränsōl. All past due ìntränsōl invoices shall be assessed a finance charge at the rate of .0033% per day beginning on the first day that the invoice is past due, based on the date of invoice and the number of days stipulated in the payment terms on the invoice and in any ìntränsōl Estimate, Quotation or Proposal. In the event of default of payment when due, ìntränsōl, in its sole discretion, may elect to suspend Language Services and to withhold delivery of any completed or in-process documentation in connection with such service until payment in full is received. All costs of collection, including attorneys' fees and court costs, shall be paid by the Client. All fees and sums referred to in this agreement are designated as and payable in U.S. currency, free and clear of all duties and deductions of any kind. Client assumes full responsibility for paying sales and use taxes and all other taxes and charges. Requests for Language Services, oral or written, which are canceled by Client after ìntränsōl is authorized to commence Language Services, shall be subject to a cancellation fee equal to 50% of the ìntränsōl Estimate, Quotation, or Proposal of the total fee for the Language Services, or an amount computed as a prorated percentage of the total fee for the Language Services offered by ìntränsōl or for Language Services completed or in progress by ìntränsōl prior to the time of cancellation, whichever is greater.


    ìntränsōl Estimates, Quotations, Proposals, and production schedules are based on the assumptions that source material is in final and complete form upon review by ìntränsōl in order to provide Client with an Estimate, Quotation or Proposal and that Client will deliver the same unchanged and unaltered source material to ìntränsōl for Language Service. Actual fees, which are presumed to be accepted by Client, unless a specific provision to the contrary is made in advance in writing by Client, may vary from ìntränsōl Estimate, Quotation, or Proposal as a result of any special requirements regarding language, delivery time, purpose of Language Service, certification request, Client modifications to original assignment, changes, revisions, alterations or amendments to source documentation, other specifications or requests for additional services not included in the original ìntränsōl Estimate, Quotation or Proposal.


    Any questions or comments concerning any Language Service delivered or performed by ìntränsōl shall be delivered by Client to ìntränsōl within ten (10) business days of delivery or performance of all Language Service by ìntränsōl to Client. ìntränsōl shall have no obligation to correct any errors, omissions, delays, or other problems regarding Language Services which are not communicated in writing to ìntränsōl by Client during the above-referenced period. The sole obligation of ìntränsōl in the event of any error, omission, delay, or other problem regarding Language Services of which ìntränsōl is timely notified by Client, shall be to review the Language Service deliverable within a mutually agreeable time period at no additional charge to Client, and to make corrections which ìntränsōl deems necessary and which are not the result of changes in the original assignment as specified in the applicable ìntränsōl Estimate, Quotation or Proposal. All Language Services shall be deemed approved and accepted by the Client at the conclusion of the above-referenced time period if ìntränsōl is not notified in writing by the Client of any errors, omissions, delays, or other problems regarding the original or corrected translation within the above-referenced time period. With respect to interpretation, instruction, voice-over, coaching, consulting, or training services, ìntränsōl shall have no obligation to address any questions or comments regarding errors, omission, delays, failure to perform or appear, or other problems concerning such services which are not communicated to ìntränsōl by Client in writing within Twenty-four (24) hours of the performance of the interpretation, instruction, voice-over, coaching, consulting or training services. The sole obligation of ìntränsōl in the event of error, omission, delay, failure to perform or to appear, or other problems regarding interpretation, instruction, voice-over, coaching, consulting or training services of which ìntränsōl is timely notified in writing by Client, shall be to provide replacement services without charge for the assignment as specified in the original ìntränsōl Estimate, Quotation or Proposal, at a mutually agreeable date. The obligation of ìntränsōl to provide replacement services without charge shall be subject to the Client's payment in full for both the initial interpretation, instruction, voice-over, coaching, consulting or training services, and travel, lodging, and related expenses to be approved and accepted at the conclusion of the above-referenced period. Interpretation, instruction, voice-over, coaching, consulting, or training services shall be deemed approved and accepted at the conclusion of the above-referenced period if ìntränsōl is not notified in writing by Client of any error, omission, delay, failure to perform or appear, or other problem regarding the interpretation, instruction, voice-over, coaching, consulting or training or replacement services, within the above-referenced period.


    The Client shall provide ìntränsōl with all assistance required by ìntränsōl to perform Language Services according to the standard that is customary in the translation, localization, interpretation and multilingual typesetting industry. With respect to translation services of ìntränsōl, this assistance shall include Client's providing ìntränsōl, prior to and during the performance by ìntränsōl of translation services, (a) legible and clearly articulated source material, (b) regular and prompt review and advice regarding the translation deliverables of ìntränsōl by a native speaker of each target language who is expert in Client's industry, (c) advisory access to a native speaker of the source language who understand the original documents to be translated, (d) glossaries, lexicons and related support materials in the source and target language, containing terms that appear in the original documents and that reflect the Client's preference regarding corporate jargon and industry-specific terminology, (e) written guidelines regarding Client's preferences regarding the style and approach of the translation, and (f) adequate time for ìntränsōl to modify translation deliverables according to advice provided by Client and/or native-speaking proofreaders/reviewers contracted by Client. With respect to interpretation, instruction, and/or training services of ìntränsōl, this assistance shall include Client's providing ìntränsōl prior to the performance of service by ìntränsōl, (i) term glossaries and related support materials in the source and target languages, containing corporate jargon and industry-specific terminology that will likely be used during the interpretation, instruction, voice-over, coaching, consulting or training services engagement, and (ii) advisory access to an employee or representative of Client who understands the intentions and scope of the planned engagement.


    Cancellations by Client are subject to cancellation fees, based on the following schedule once an ìntränsōl Quote or Estimate has been accepted by Client: For a cancellation made with more than ten (10) calendar days prior to a scheduled event, there is a cancellation fee to cover administrative costs of 15% of the total estimate. For cancellations made with less than ten (10) but more than five (5) calendar days prior to a scheduled event, the cancellation fee (excluding weekends) is 50% of the total estimate. For cancellations made with less than five (5) calendar days prior to a scheduled event, the cancellation fee (excluding weekends) is 100% of the total estimate. Cancellations must be made in writing and sent by email (see information above). Cancellations made after business hours, on national holidays, or on weekends (Saturday or Sunday) will be considered as received at 9:00 AM C.S.T. the next business day. Our normal business hours are from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Central Standard Time Monday – Friday.


    Because we need to reserve studio time and engineering resources, we require pre-payment in full by VISA, MasterCard or PayPal at least five (5) business days (Monday – Friday excluding weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and national holidays) prior to studio or studio engineer time. If paying by check, the check must be received at least eight (8) business days (Monday – Friday excluding weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and national holidays) prior to the event and to have cleared when deposited at least five (5) business days (Monday – Friday excluding weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and national holidays) prior to the event to reserve equipment, studio time or studio engineer time. If payments are not received when required, the ìntränsōl Estimate or Proposal for services will be null and void and ìntränsōl will have no obligation to furnish the Client with rental equipment, studio time, or studio engineer time. If applicable, the Client must also pay in advance at the time of order all shipping & handling costs and any customs, duties, or applicable transportation fees. Cancellations made in writing at least six (6) business days (Monday – Friday excluding weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and national holidays) on domestic orders in the lower contiguous 48 states will receive a full refund with the exception of a minimum set-up and project coordination fee of $150 per hour or for the actual time spent coordinating equipment and schedules at $150 per hour, whichever is greater. For orders outside the lower 48 states, the cancellation times are double that of domestic orders. For all cancellations made in writing less than six (6) business days but more than four (4) business days (Monday – Friday excluding weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and national holidays) on domestic orders in the lower contiguous 48 states, or double that for orders outside the lower contiguous 48 states, there will be a maximum 50% refund. For any cancellation made in writing less than four (4) business days (Monday – Friday excluding weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and national holidays) on domestic orders in the lower contiguous 48 states, or double that for orders outside the lower contiguous 48 states, there will be no refund, and the deposit will be entirely forfeited. Verbal cancellations over the phone in conversation or as voicemails may not be received and do not constitute a properly delivered cancellation. All cancellations must be in writing with proof of delivery/receipt that is time/date stamped, such as email or fax.


    Cancellations for all other services after project commencement are subject to a minimum cancellation charge of 50% of the total estimated charges as stipulated on any ìntränsōl Quote or Estimate plus charges for actual work performed up to the point of cancellation on a prorated basis. If work performed is greater than 75% of the entire scope of the project at the time of cancellation, then the full amount of the ìntränsōl Quote or Estimate will apply. Cancellations must be made in writing and sent by email (see information above). Cancellations made after business hours, on national holidays, or on weekends (Saturday or Sunday) will be considered as received at 9:00 AM C.S.T. the next business day. Our normal business hours are from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Central Standard Time Monday – Friday.


    Client shall bear the complete liability, responsibility, and risk of error, omission, delay, failure to perform, or other problems regarding Language Service requested by Client on a "rush basis." "Rush basis" shall be defined by the Client's oral or written request, requirement, or demand to have Language Services delivered or performed by ìntränsōl before the schedule or delivery date as stipulated in the ìntränsōl Estimate, Quotation or Proposal for corresponding Language Services or when the terms "Rush" or "Rush Service" is explicitly used in any ìntränsōl Estimate, Quotation or Proposal. With respect to such requests, ìntränsōl shall not be obligated to provide remedial, corrective, or replacement services in the event Client, for any reason, is not satisfied with the Language Service rendered by ìntränsōl. Client shall be obligated to pay in full for Language Services requested on a "rush basis," regardless of whether Client requests remedial, corrective, or replacement services in connection therewith. With respect solely to requests for Language Services performed on a "rush basis" or involving less common languages, ìntränsōl may elect to terminate this agreement for any reason or any time prior to completion of the requested Language Services, upon notice to Client, without liability to ìntränsōl. Termination under this provision shall not be deemed a breach of the agreement.


    All notices made in reference to this agreement shall be deemed sufficient if: (a) delivered manually, (b) delivered by overnight (24-hour) courier service, (c) delivered by direct courier service (1-3 hour) (d) delivered by U.S. mail, registered or certified, return receipt requested, postage prepaid; or (e) transmitted directly between ìntränsōl and Client via facsimile machines or electronically via email. Notices shall be deemed received on the date of personal delivery, the date of actual receipt as indicated on the delivery notice or return receipt (or the date receipt is refused), or the date indicated by facsimile transmittal confirmation reports or by email transmittal dates.


    Both parties shall treat as confidential and take all reasonable precautions to prevent the unauthorized disclosure or use of all material and information proprietary to the other party which the non-owning party gains access to or knowledge or possession of in connection with language services.


    intransol shall not be liable for delays or failure to perform due to causes beyond its control, including but not limited to acts of God, acts or omissions of the Client, acts of civil or military authority, strikes or other labor disturbances, requirements of law or similar cause, illness, death or debilitating disease, courier, mail or delivery service delays, mechanical failure or noncompliance or untimeliness of ìntränsōl or Client contractors.


    Neither Client nor any of its affiliates shall induce or attempt to induce any ìntränsōl employee, agent, independent contractor, representative, another client, or another affiliate to discontinue working for or with ìntränsōl or to reduce their capacity with ìntränsōl in any way, in order to work for or with Client or any of its representatives, agents or affiliates during the term of this agreement and for a period of five (5) years thereafter without prior written, authorized consent from an ìntränsōl Executive Officer and without a formal written offer by Client and formal written acceptance of any such Client offer by ìntränsōl of retribution to ìntränsōl, to be determined on a case-by-case basis, based upon factors including, but not limited to, loss of business, loss of goodwill, replacement costs, training, investment in skills and knowledge and potential disruptions of ìntränsōl business activities.


    ìntränsōl shall use its best efforts to exercise the standard of care that is customary in the translation, interpretation, and multilingual typesetting industry in performing all Language Services. ìntränsōl expressly disclaims all other representations or warranties respecting the services rendered under this agreement, including, without limitation, expressed or implied warranties of merchantability or hirees for a particular purpose. ìntränsōl shall not be liable for any claims, damages, or expenses of any kind, whether made or suffered by Client or any third party unless such claims, damages, or expenses are directly caused by gross negligence or willful misconduct by ìntränsōl. ìntränsōl shall in no event be liable to Client or any third party for special, incidental, exemplary, direct, punitive, or consequential damages, expense, or loss of any kind, however, occasioned, including, without limitation, damages, loss, or corrective action due to errors, omissions, delays or failure in performance or delivery. Client and ìntränsōl agree that in the event that ìntränsōl breaches its obligation under this agreement in a material way or that any liability is imposed on ìntränsōl arising out of or in connection with this Agreement and/or Language Services, it would be impractical or extremely difficult to fix actual damages. Client and ìntränsōl agree that the aggregate amounts payable by ìntränsōl by reason thereof, and the sole remedy provided, shall not exceed the amount previously paid by Client for the specific Language Service increment at issue. In the event that Client wishes ìntränsōl to assume greater limited liability, Client may obtain from ìntränsōl a higher limit by paying an additional amount to ìntränsōl, and a rider shall be attached hereto setting forth such higher limit and additional amount, but this additional obligation shall in no way be interpreted to hold ìntränsōl as an insurer. ìntränsōl shall be deemed to be an independent contractor with respect to the Client under this agreement. ìntränsōl shall have no contractual or other obligation to any third party arising out of or related to this agreement. Except as expressly provided to the contrary in this agreement, ìntränsōl shall have no obligation to pay for remedial, corrective, or replacement Language Services performed by, or for, Client or any Third Party.


    Client shall defend, protect, indemnify, and hold harmless ìntränsōl from any and all loss, costs, expenses (including attorneys' fees), liability or damages on account of any and all manner or claims, demands, actions and proceedings that may be instituted with respect to the source materials or Language Services against ìntränsōl on any grounds, including, without limitation, claims or suits of defamation, libel, plagiarism, copyright infringement, violation of statutory or common law, violation of patent rights, design, trademark, services mark, privacy or any proprietary or personal right of any person or organization of any country.


    Either party may terminate this agreement by written notice if the other party fails to comply with any of its terms and conditions, which failure is not cured within ten (10) business days of written notice thereof, or upon insolvency, gathered assignment for the benefit of creditors, dissolution or liquidation of either party, at which time all sums due under this agreement shall become immediately due and payable without refund.


    Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this agreement, or a breach of this agreement, shall be settled by arbitration in the city, state, province or country of the local ìntränsōl office that has handled Client's account in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association and/or with the rules and regulations of the local official arbitration body of the local ìntränsōl office that handled Client's account. There shall be one arbitrator who shall apply current law. The arbitrator shall be chosen from a panel of persons knowledgeable in foreign language translation, localization, multilingual typesetting, and the range of ìntränsōl services. The arbitrator shall have the right to consult experts and competent authorities knowledgeable in matters submitted to arbitration, but such consultation shall only be made in the presence of both parties with the full right on their part to cross-examination. The prevailing party (as determined by the arbitrator or, if appropriate, by a court of competent jurisdiction) shall be reimbursed by the other party for its costs of arbitration and any other costs of collection or enforcement of this agreement, including the cost of administrative fees, other fees, and expenses.


    This Agreement shall be binding upon and insure to the benefit of the successors and legal representatives of the respective parties hereto. Neither party shall assign this agreement without the written prior consent of the other party, except as provided herein. The Client specifically agrees that ìntränsōl shall have the right to perform any or all of the services to be provided hereinafter through any parent, subsidiary, division, independent contractor, or affiliate of ìntränsōl.


    No waiver of any breach of any provision of this agreement shall constitute a waiver of any prior, concurrent, or subsequent breach of any other provision hereof.


    The provisions of this agreement shall be severable, and in the event that one or more provisions are found to be null and void or otherwise unenforceable, such provision or provisions shall be severed, and the remaining provisions of this agreement shall be given full force and effect.


    This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior oral and written agreements, negotiations, understandings, commitments, and practices between the parties regarding the subject matter hereof. No amendments to or modifications of this agreement shall be made except in writing and signed by duly authorized representatives of both parties. The terms and conditions set forth in this agreement shall be deemed as accepted by Client in their entirety and without reservation upon request or authorization by Client for ìntränsōl to proceed with Language Services. The terms and conditions set forth in this agreement shall specifically supersede any contrary provision set forth in any service order, purchase order, or Language Services request submitted by Client to ìntränsōl, prior, concurrent, or subsequent to this agreement. All headings are for reference purposes only and shall not be used to construe or interpret the meaning of any provision. In the event of any conflict between the terms of this document and any Estimates, Quotations, Proposals, Change Order Forms, and rate sheets attached hereto by ìntränsōl, the terms set forth in the agreement shall control, irrespective of the place of performance, without giving effect to the doctrine of conflict of laws, this agreement shall be governed by and continued in accordance with the laws of the states or countries where ìntränsōl has physical offices, and where work for Client was performed.

    Mutual non-disclosure and confidentiality agreement

    The following information demonstrates how we treat each and every Client's privacy and confidential information with extremely high regard.

    Please request this document as a PDF for signature by both parties when initiating a business relationship in which confidential information may be exchanged.


    This Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement, effective on the date set forth below (the "Effective Date"), is between ìntränsōl (International Translation Solutions™), a J.K.W. International, Inc. company and a Minnesota corporation hereafter referred to as "ìntränsōl" and the CLIENT or individual specified on the signature line below, hereafter referred to as the "CLIENT." This agreement is made to set forth the basis under which ìntränsōl and the CLIENT will furnish and/or disclose to each other certain communication, financial, business, technical, and other information. For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, ìntränsōl and the CLIENT agree as follows:

    Section 1. Definitions

    For purposes of this agreement, the following terms will have the meanings specified below:

    "Affiliate" means, with respect to either party, any individual, company, corporation, partnership, or other entity, directly or indirectly, controlling, controlled by, or under common control with, such party.

    "Confidential Information" means all information and data, of whatsoever nature, including financial, business and other information, in whatever form or medium, including without limitation any plans, specifications, sketches, samples, trade secrets, processes, technical data, strategic planning, product/service specifications, prototypes, computer programs, drawings, models, marketing data, operations, policies, procedures, techniques, accounts, personnel and Client information, documentation, or other information and data used by the party in carrying out its business; furnished or disclosed by a Disclosing Party or any of its Affiliates to the Receiving Party pursuant to the terms of this agreement, except that such term will not include (i) information demonstrably known by the Receiving Party previously without an obligation of confidentiality; (ii) information that is or becomes publicly known other than through a breach by the Receiving Party of any of its obligations under this agreement; (iii) information received by the Receiving Party from a third party who is not known by the Receiving Party, acting in good faith, to be under an obligation of confidence to the Disclosing Party; (iv) information independently developed by the Receiving Party without use of the confidential information of the other party; or (v) information required by applicable law, regulation, court order or legal process to be disclosed, provided the Receiving Party provides the Disclosing Party with prompt notice of such request or requirement and the Receiving Party will use reasonable efforts to ensure that all Confidential Information so disclosed is treated confidentially. Disclosure of Confidential Information in accordance with the foregoing sentence will not violate the terms of this agreement.

    "Disclosing Party" means the party or affiliate of the party hereto that furnishes Confidential Information to the other party or affiliate of the other party hereto.

    "Receiving Party" means the party or affiliate of the party hereto that receives Confidential Information from the other party or affiliate of the other party hereto.

    Section 2. Ownership of Confidential Information

    The Receiving Party agrees that the Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party is and will remain the property and a valuable trade secret of the Disclosing Party.

    Section 3. Confidentiality Obligation

    Except as required by law, the Receiving Party will treat it as confidential and will not use other than for the purposes set forth herein, disclose or otherwise make available any Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party to any person other than employees, representatives, and consultants of the Receiving Party and its Affiliates who have a business need to know. The Receiving Party will instruct its employees, representatives, and consultants (and those of its Affiliates) who have access to the Confidential Information to keep the same confidential by using the same care and discretion that the Receiving Party uses with respect to its own confidential property and trade secrets, which will be no less than reasonable care and discretion. The Receiving Party will be responsible for the compliance of such employees, representatives, consultants (and those of its Affiliates) with the terms of this agreement. If the Receiving Party is required by applicable law, regulation, court order, or legal process to disclose any Confidential Information, the Receiving Party will provide the Disclosing Party with prompt notice of such request or requirement, and the Receiving Party will use reasonable efforts to ensure that all Confidential Information so disclosed is treated confidentially. Disclosure of Confidential Information in accordance with the foregoing sentence will not violate the terms of this agreement. Furthermore, neither party will undertake or assist in the solicitation of any customer, employee, contractor, subcontractor, associate, or account of the other at any time during or beyond the term of this agreement without the expressed and written consent of the other party.

    Section 4. Compliance by Affiliates

    ìntränsōl and the CLIENT will be responsible for compliance by their respective Affiliates with the terms of this agreement.

    Section 5. Non-Disclosure of Agreement

    Neither party, without the prior written consent of the other party, will disclose to any third person (other than its employees, representatives, and consultants with a need to know) the existence or purpose of this agreement, the terms and conditions hereof, or the fact that discussions are taking place and that Confidential Information is being shared, except as may be required by law and then only after first notifying the other party of such required disclosure in accordance with Section 3.

    Section 6. Limitation on Obligation; No Warranties, etc.

    Except for the obligation of confidentiality and the restrictions on use imposed by this agreement upon the Receiving Party, each party acknowledges that no obligation of any kind is assumed or implied against the other party after any meetings or discussions regarding the purpose of this agreement with respect to whatever information is exchanged. Further, this agreement and any meetings and communications of the parties relating to the subject matter of this agreement will not (a) constitute any offer, request, or contract among the parties to engage in any transaction, nor (b) constitute any offer, request or contract involving a buyer/seller relationship, venture, teaming or partnership relationship among the parties. Each party hereto hereby acknowledges that the Disclosing Party makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party.

    Section 7. Return of Confidential Information 

    If the Receiving Party reproduces all or any part of or further discloses any Confidential Information, the Receiving Party will not remove or obscure any confidential or proprietary notices or legends, if any, that appear in the originals thereof. At the request of the Disclosing Party, the Receiving Party will return to the Disclosing Party or destroy all Confidential Information, reproductions or summaries thereof and extracts there from. The Receiving Party's obligations under Section 3 will survive any return or destruction of Confidential Information.

    Section 8. Notice of Unauthorized Use

    The Receiving Party will notify the Disclosing Party promptly upon discovery of any unauthorized use or disclosure of Confidential Information or any other breach of this agreement by the Receiving Party, and will reasonably cooperate with the Disclosing Party to regain possession of the Confidential Information and prevent its further unauthorized use or disclosure. If the Receiving Party or any of its employees, representatives, or consultants attempt to use or disclose any of the Confidential Information in a manner contrary to the terms of this agreement, the Disclosing Party will have the right, in addition to such other remedies which may be available to it, to seek injunctive relief enjoining such acts or attempts, it being acknowledged that legal remedies may be inadequate.

    Section 9. Independent Product Development Not Affected

    The terms of confidentiality under this agreement shall not be construed to limit either party's right to independently develop or acquire products or services of the same type as may be included within any Confidential Information or to enter into any business transaction with any other company which owns or has rights to any such similar products or services, as long as such right is exercised without the use of any other party's Confidential Information in violation of this agreement.

    Section 10. No Implied License

    Except as otherwise provided herein, nothing in this agreement shall be deemed to constitute an implied license in favor of either party to any proprietary rights of the other party, including, without limitation, any patents, copyrights, trademarks, or trade secret information. Each party agrees that it shall not in any way represent itself as a partner, joint-venturer, agent, employee, or general representative of the other and shall not use the other party's name, trade name, service mark, or trademark, nor any adaptation or variation thereof, in any manner whatsoever (including but not limited to, advertising, promotion or sales literature), without the other party's prior written consent in each instance.

    Section 11. Notices

    All notices, requests, consents, demands, and other communications provided for by this agreement will be in writing and shall be deemed sufficient if delivered in person or by express courier or facsimile with receipt confirmed to the party to be notified. Any notice to ìntränsōl or the CLIENT will be delivered to the addresses specified by each party or to such other address as the parties will advise the other in writing from time to time, provided, however, that any notice of change of address shall be effective, only upon receipt.

    Section 12. General

    This agreement may not be changed, modified, or amended except in writing, signed by each party to this agreement.

    This agreement may not be discharged except by performance in accordance with its terms.

    This agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and permitted assigns.

    This agreement may not be assigned by either party without the prior written consent of the other party.

    This agreement sets forth the entire agreement and understanding between the parties as to the subject matter hereof and merges and supersedes all prior discussions, agreements, and understandings of any kind and every nature between them regarding the subject matter hereof.

    This agreement may be signed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

    The individuals executing this agreement on behalf of the CLIENT and ìntränsōl do each hereby represent and warrant that they respectively have been and are on the Effective Date duly authorized by all necessary, appropriate corporate action to execute this agreement on behalf of their respective principals.

    Section 13. Limited Use of Confidential Information

    The Receiving Party will use the Confidential Information solely for the purposes of exploring, evaluating, discussing, and negotiating business opportunities between the Parties to this agreement, and when/if any formal agreements have been made, conducting work as specified in any separate ìntränsōl work orders or contracts.

Have questions or need more information? Email us at and let us know how we can help.

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