When creating documents in other languages, you must give special attention to proper font selection, word breaks, punctuation, and many other stylistic considerations that vary significantly from English typography rules. Even a small error can negatively impact your global customers' perception of your company and brand.
Punctuation rules in French and Spanish are much different from English. Where to hyphenate words in German always presents interesting twists. Working with right-to-left reading languages like Arabic, Farsi, or Hebrew requires specific Middle Eastern versions of layout applications such as Adobe InDesign or Illustrator. Double-byte languages like Chinese and Japanese require advanced typographical knowledge of Asian character sets, including which font families are appropriate for certain materials, the treatment of font styles such as where and when to bold or italicize, and what font colors are linguistically and culturally acceptable or not.
The Multilingual Desktop Publishing (DTP) services of ìntränsōl will make your print and online designs of brochures, catalogs, manuals, or packaging come alive with the professional look and feel you need to impress your global customers in any language. Our seasoned multilingual production experts have the know-how, experience, and expertise in all foreign languages, including Western, non-Western, Asian, and right-to-left (RTL) reading languages. ìntränsōl has decades of combined training, education, and experience in multilingual desktop publishing, foreign language typesetting, and prepress production in over 200 languages using all major layout applications.
We have produced thousands of different types of print and online documentation, including:
Abstracts | Announcements | Annual Reports | Articles | Booklets | Brochures | Bulletins | Business Cards | Case Studies | Catalogs | Clinical Trials | Conference Agendas | Company Profiles | Course Materials | Data Sheets | Directories | Employee Benefit Summaries | Employee Manuals | Employee Opinion Surveys | Enhanced Publications | Essays | Fact Sheets | Flyers | Folders | Glossaries | Government Documents | Green Papers | Guidebooks |Handbooks | Instructions For Use | Indexes | Journals | Leaflets | Legal Documents | Manuals | Newsletters | Notebooks | Packaging | Pamphlets | Patents | Policy Documents | Posters | Press Releases | Proceedings | Product Data Sheets | Programs | Questionnaires | Reports | Research Papers | Reviews | Scientific Journals | Sell Sheets | Specifications | Surveys | Tech Docs | Trade Directories | Tutorials | Web Content | White Papers
Have questions or need more information? Email us at translate@intransol.com and let us know how we can help.